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Basket of Flowers


Our beautiful flowers make the perfect Gift for that someone special


So if you need a hand tied bouquet for a Birthday present or Anniversary surprise, or to celebrate the Birth of a New Arrival or a ‘Thank You’ we would love to create these for you.


Our flowers are bought fresh each day and we can guarantee that they are literally as ‘fresh as a daisy’.


At our store you will find an array of colour and unusual varieties of flowers that we know you will love. In fact we have to make sure they stay in the store and we don’t take them home!

Delivered & set up at your chosen venue

design your gift


Book your free consultation to design your flower gifts

Let us know what date and time suits you and a member of our team will get back to you.

0203 602 2529

0782 551 6755

Thanks for submitting!

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